Agenda item

Waste and Recycling Performance 2020-21

To consider the report of the Service Manager Neighbourhood Services.


Consideration was given to report of the Service Manager Neighbourhood Services.


The Service Manager Neighbourhood Services presented the report which provided an update on waste and recycling performance outcomes for 2020-21.


The performance data was summarised in Appendix 1, and the Officer pointed out that during the previous 2 years the Council had exceeded the WG statutory recycling target of 58% and 64% respectively.  This success was maintained in 2021 and the Council exceeded the target by attaining 64.29%.  He acknowledged that this had been achieved through the hard work of the Waste Team, working with partners in WRAP, and also the Council’s Communications, Performance, and Senior Management Team; but most importantly the residents of Blaenau Gwent in what had been a very difficult year.  He said through careful prioritisation and engagement with our workforce, the Council was able to maintain all waste and recycling collections throughout the Covid pandemic.


The Officer then went through the report and highlighted points contained therein.


A Member asked whether recycling rates would increase if the Council reduced the number of communal collection points throughout the Borough.  He felt it was unfair that the majority of residents were expected to comply with number of refuse bags they were able to put out, but residents in communal collection areas were able to deposit as much as they liked.  He also asked whether fly tipping collected from Tai Calon’s estates were included in the Council’s figures.


In relation to the Council’s communal collection points he said some progress had been made where possible, however, the Council were unable to remove some collection points due to health and safety restrictions. 


In terms of fly tipping on Tai Calon’s estates the Team Leader Environmental Protection explained that waste deposited on private land was the responsibility of the landowner to remove.  He understood that Tai Calon had their own cleansing team so any fly tipping they removed would not be included in the Council’s figures.


He also confirmed that a new Team had been established to look at unofficial collection points causing significant problems.  When this work was resolved it was intended to then look at official collection points to ensure everyone complied with the rules.


A Member commended the Waste and Recycling Team for their work during a very challenging year.  He asked whether a contingency plan was in place in the event of a fuel shortage and the lack of HGV drivers, and staff sickness.  He also referred to the figures for composting recycling and said it was unfair for Blaenau Gwent to be compared to rural LA’s and that WG should consider a fairer approach to this element of recycling.


The Member also expressed concern regarding the increase in residual waste and asked whether this was due to a change of habits and residents mixing their residual waste with recycling.  He also asked whether the ‘appointment only’ approach at our HWRCs was a contributing factor and whether it was intended to return to a non-appointment system post Covid.


In response to the Member’s comments regarding a contingency plan the Service Manager Neighbourhood Services confirmed that the Council received a fuel delivery last week which would last 3 weeks on a normal working pattern.  There was a plan in place in the event of a fuel shortage and the need to reissue fuel to other services, but to date there had been no impact of the fuel shortage reported in the press.


He said the shortage of HGV drivers was a national issue, but fortunately there had been no impact on the Council’s services.  He said the Department’s priority services continued to be waste collections and winter maintenance operations from 1st November, 2021.  However, the issue had been highlighted on the risk register in the event of a major spike in sickness and Covid infections. 


In relation to the composting recycling figures he agreed that Blaenau Gwent were at a disadvantage with the limited number of green areas compared to rural LA’s.  However, moving forward it was intended to focus efforts on improving the food recycling element.


With regard to the increase in residual waste he said the fact that enforcement activities ceased for a significant period through 2020/21 in response to the Covid pandemic had contributed.  However, it was intended to reinstate enforcement activities and hopefully this would help to change behaviour and return to the positive impact prior to the pandemic.


In relation to the booking system put in place as a result of the Covid pandemic the Officer confirmed that the system had been improved.  He pointed out the whilst a number of Covid restrictions had been relaxed, the track and trace element was still in place and there was still a responsibility to restrict numbers at the sites.  He said feedback from staff was positive, and a significant number of residents who utilised the sites seemed happy with the system in place, however, he acknowledged that some residents saw it as a block to using the sites.


In response to a question raised by a Member regarding the difference in figures for the 2 sites, the Officer explained that this report outlined performance for 2020/21.  Only New Vale was operational during 2020/21 as the Roseheyworth site did not open until earlier this financial year.


In response to a further question regarding the recycling figures for rear lane collections the Officer said he did not have specific figures as this formed part of the overall recycling round.  However, additional rear lane collections were intended over the coming months as part of our route optimisation exercise.


A Member asked whether the figures for the recycling materials deposited at our HWRC sites were factored into the kerbside recycling figures.


The Officer explained that all waste streams at our HWRC sites were included in our tonnages.  However, the only income generated was from cardboard and scrap metal, and the Council had to pay disposal costs for all other materials deposited at the sites.


A brief discussion ensued regarding the HWRC sites when the Officer stated that the Roseheyworth site was less used than New Vale, however, there were no usage figures available prior to the Covid pandemic and the booking system being put in place.  He said only a small number of complaints had been received about the booking system, and confirmed that the provision of same day bookings was being explored.


A Member referred to the last sentence of section 5.1 of the report and asked why the budget had not been aligned to the change in recycling habits.


The Officer explained that habits had changed since the significant changes to the service in 2015, and recycling receptacles are more expensive and more in demand particularly following storms in the winter months.  The drive to hit Welsh Government’s target also meant additional resources were required, but hopefully the policies now in place would offset these additional resources moving forward.


In response to a question raised by a Member the Officer confirmed that a pilot scheme was undertaken of approximately 2k properties to separate glass from cardboard waste.  Feedback from the pilot scheme was positive and it was intended to roll this out to over 5k properties Borough wide over the coming months.  This would provide additional capacity for residents to recycle more cardboard.


Another Member enquired as to the trial undertaken to recycle plastic bags and the Officer reported that this project was undertaken in conjunction with Merthyr Tydfil CBC, with support from WRAP.  The results of the trial had yet to be analysed, and when this was completed it would be brought to Members for consideration as there was costs associated with the scheme.


A Member proposed Option 1, and this was seconded.


Another Member proposed Option 2 with the addition that a review of the budget be undertaken, with a view to establishing a contingency budget.


A Member seconded the proposal.


A vote was thereupon taken, and


The Committee AGREED to recommend that the report be accepted and the information contained therein be noted. (Option 1)


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