Agenda item

Flood Risk Management Plan (2016- 2022)

To consider the report of the Head of Community Services.


Consideration was given to report of the Head of Community Services/Team Leader Natural Environment.


The Senior Engineer Land Drainage presented the report which updated Members on progress in delivery of the Blaenau Gwent Flood Management Plan of 2016-22. Appendix 2 highlighted progress made since the Plan was adopted in December 2015, and progress made since the last annual review in 2020.


The Officer went through the report and highlighted points contained therein.


A Member referred to section 2.2 of the report and asked what work was being done with other parties to establish responsibility for drainage.



The Officer confirmed that the Council worked with other parties including Welsh Water and Tai Calon.  However, it was sometimes difficult to identify responsibility, particularly when Tai Calon properties had been sold.


Another Member asked whether there was a rolling programme in place to clean drains in order to prevent flash flooding.


The Team Manager Street Scene confirmed that funding had been received from Welsh Government last year to undertake additional gully cleaning operations across the highway infrastructure.  There was a schedule in place and some gullies were inspected every 2 weeks, and others every 6 weeks.


A Member asked whether there were systems in place to check and maintain culverts on private land, or whether land owners were responsible for maintenance etc.


The Senior Engineer confirmed that the Council undertook extensive CCTV investigations of culverts which accounted for a large proportion of grant funding.  In terms of land in private ownership, the general rule was that the land owners would be responsible for any water courses running through their land.


The Member asked whether private landowners would be liable for any damage caused as a result of culverts not being maintained.


The Officer said each case would be judged on its own merits, however, he was not aware of any cases where the Council had recharged residents for any works undertaken as a result of flooding.  The Council’s main focus was to resolve the problem and undertake any works that were needed.  These were funded from within the existing budget or grant funded. 


Members took the opportunity to thank the Team for their work in dealing with a number of flooding incidents during the past year.


A Member said many of the culverts within the Borough were extremely old and at risk particularly with the increased number of storms in recent years, and said the Council should consider establishing a fund to respond to emergency flooding situations.


He also referred to the flooding in Skewen caused by old mine workings, and asked whether the Council was working with the Coal Authority to ascertain the condition of old mine workings in the Borough.


In response the Officer said the Council worked well with the Coal Authority, however, there was a date when they would cease to be responsible for old mines.  Also due to the legislation in place they were limited in what action could be taken.  In terms of setting up a fund to undertake emergency works, the Officer explained that if the Council paid for works upfront, Welsh Government would not allow us to claim back monies.


The Member said flooding would become more frequent, and there was money available in reserves which could be set aside to undertake emergency works, similar to the winter maintenance budget.


A Member referred to section 2.7 and asked when Members could expect the Section 19 Flood Investigation Report.


In response the Officer said it was in the process of being finalised and would either be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee, or subject to a special meeting.


The Member then referred to section 4.10 and the Council’s arrangement with Caerphilly in relation SuDS, and asked whether this was arrangement would be reviewed.


The Head of Community Services confirmed that the arrangement was up for review so it would not be appropriate to discuss any details.  He reported that the WLGA were also looking at SuDS as the new guidelines were onerous with additional costs.  However, he pointed out that all parties would have to move forward with SuDS as it was a major part of climate control and flood management.


The Committee AGREED to recommend that the report be accepted and noted progress made over the previous 12 months (Option 1).


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