Agenda item

Planning Applications Report

To consider the report of the Team Manager Development Management.



Consideration was given to the following:-



Unit 19, Rassau Ind Est, Rassau, Ebbw Vale

Erection of 1 Wind Turbine and

Associated Infrastructure


The Team Leader Development Management gave an overview of the area in which the wind turbine would be erected with the assistance of visual aids.


The Officer informed Members that an application had been granted in 2019 to erect a single wind turbine at Unit 18, however this was no longer being built as planning permission for the erection of a Synchronous Condenser plant on the same site had been made and was under construction.  Therefore, the developer was now applying for planning permission for a single wind turbine at Unit 19, Rassau Industrial Estate.


The site was in the middle of Rassau Industrial Estate, to the north/north west was open countryside which formed a buffer between the built up area and the boundary of Brecon Beacons National Park. The residential area of Rassau was located beyond to the south, southeast and southwest at a distance of approximately 400m away. The lower level of the estate was separated by the recently realigned A465 and a tree belt. To the east of the Industrial Estate approximately 1 km away was Garnlydan which was a similar elevation to the proposed turbine.


The Officer noted that there was already two wind turbines 74m and 77m in height on the estate approximately
550 metres to the south-west and 650m to the north-east respectively and these were highlighted on the visual aids presented. The Planning Statement confirmed that the turbine would be subject to two or more regular maintenance visits per year. The proposed dimensions are the same as those previously approved at Unit 18. The proposal included a small building to house a transformer, associated switchgear and electrical protection equipment and be located close to the base of the turbine tower and connected to the grid connection point via underground cabling. The proposed turbine would supply power directly to the nearby Yuassa Battery (UK) Ltd manufacturing facility.  The Officer added that no details had been provided in relation to the small building with this application, however the layout/design plans would need to be provided to the Planning Department prior to development.


The Officer outlined the internal and external consultation responses as detailed in the report. It was reported that the technical query raised had been addressed by the Agent and the Brecon Beacons National Park had submitted an objection in respect of the cumulative impact on the special qualities of the National Park area.  It was also noted that one objection was received by a member of the public in relation to noise.







A detailed overview was provided of the Planning Assessment and the Officer noted key main points in relation to the following:-


·        Welsh Government’s commitment to Generating Renewable Energy

·        Policy 18 - Pre-Assessed Areas for Wind Energy

·        Policy 17 – Renewable and Low Carbon Energy and Associated Infrastructure

·        Principle if development on a primary employment site

·        Landscape and visual impact

·        Direct local visual impact

·        Noise and vibration

·        Shadow flicker

·        Ecology

·        Traffic and transport

·        Impact of users in the vicinity of the turbine and health and safety

·        Hydrology and hydrogeology

·        Historic environment

·        Aviation

·        Telecommunications

·        Associated infrastructure and grid connection

·        Geotechnical

·        Decommissioning and site restoration


In conclusion, the Team Leader Development Management stated that in determining this planning application Members are advised to give significant weight to the contribution this proposal could make towards meeting identified National, UK and European targets for renewable energy, as well as giving weight to each material planning consideration when making the final decision. The report outlined in detail how the material planning issues associated with the development would be addressed and the impacts mitigated. It was considered that the principle of the proposed wind turbine with associated infrastructure was acceptable in the proposed location and conformed with national and local policy. The application also contributed to the Welsh Government targets for energy provision from onshore wind. Therefore, the Officer noted recommendation that planning permission be granted subject to conditions detailed in the report.

There were no representations from Ward Members, therefore the Chair invited observations/questions from the Members of the Planning Committee.


A Member referred to shadow flicker, noise and vibration and asked if the impact had been taken of all three wind turbines on site. The Member felt that with the additional wind turbines already on the site consideration should be given to the impact the three wind turbines would have on the surrounding area. The Member asked that this overall impact be included in future applications where there was more than one wind turbine on the site.


The Team Leader Development Management advised that the relevant bodies had taken in consideration to noise, vibration and shadow flicker impacts and the Officer was satisfied that the proposed development had been assessed against current government guidance. It was accepted that there was minimal risk for residential properties in the vicinity to be affected by shadow flicker, noise and vibration. However, a condition had been proposed to ensure that mitigation measures could be enforced if there these issues arose.


The Team Leader Development Management agreed to include details in subsequent reports of what had been assessed in noise reports for future wind turbine applications.


In response to a question raised in relation to height of the wind turbines, it was reported that they are built to the height to maximise energy. This wind turbine was built within heights of others on site being no higher than
80 metres.


Upon a vote being taken, Councillor J. Hill abstained from voting as he sat on the Brecon Beacons National Park and it was


RESOLVED that planning permission be GRANTED with delegated powers authorised to the Planning Officer.





Supporting documents: