Venue: Via MS Teams
No. | Item |
Simultaneous Translation You are welcome to use Welsh at the meeting a minimum notice period of 3 working days is required should you wish to do so. A simultaneous translation will be provided if requested.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests had been received for the simultaneous translation service.
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: The following apologies for absence were reported:
Councillor H. Cunningham, Deputy Leader/Cabinet Member for Place & Environment, Councillor S. Edmunds, Cabinet Member for People & Education; and the Interim Corporate Director Social Services.
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations To receive any declarations of interest or dispensations. Minutes: No declarations of interest or dispensations were reported.
To consider the decisions of the Cabinet meeting held on 21st February, 2024. Minutes: Consideration was given to the decisions of the Cabinet Meeting held on 21st February, 2024.
RESOLVED that the decisions be received as a true record of proceedings.
Blaenau Gwent Local Well-being Partnership To consider the report of the Head of
Democratic Services, Governance and Partnerships. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to report of the Head of Democratic Services, Governance and Partnerships.
RESOLVED that the report be accepted, and Cabinet endorse the report and appendices for approval by the Blaenau Gwent Local Well-being Partnership. (Option 1)
Business Rates Relief - Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Rates Relief 2024-25 To consider report of the Chief Officer Resources. Minutes: Consideration was given to report of the Chief Officer Resources.
RESOLVED that the report be accepted, and Cabinet adopt the Retail, Leisure, and Hospitality Rates Relief – 2024/25 scheme on behalf of the Council, to supplement the Council’s discretionary rate relief scheme. (Option 2)
Local Government Act 1972 Proposed Transfer of Further Land to Abertillery Bluebirds To consider the report of the Corporate
Director Regeneration and Community Services. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to report of the Corporate Director Regeneration & Community Services.
RESOLVED that the report be accepted, and Abertillery Bluebirds be allowed to take on control of the sports field at Windsor Road to facilitate use by junior members of the club. (Option 1)
Improving Schools Programme To consider the report of the Interim
Corporate Director Education. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to report of the Interim Corporate Director of Education.
RESOLVED that the report be accepted as presented. (Option 2)
Education Digital Strategy To consider the report of the Interim
Corporate Director Education. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to report of the Interim Corporate Director of Education.
RESOLVED that the report be accepted, and Cabinet approve the Strategy. (Option 1)
Blaenau Gwent Admissions Policy for Nursery and Statutory Education 2025/26 To consider the report of the Interim
Corporate Director Education. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to report of the Interim Corporate Director of Education.
RESOLVED that the report and Policy be accepted. (Option 1) |
Welsh Public Library Standards (WPLS) Annual Return 2022/23 To consider the report of the Interim
Corporate Director Education. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to report of the Interim Corporate Director of Education.
RESOLVED that the report be accepted, and the information detailed therein be approved. (Option 1)