Venue: Remotely via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Democratic Services 6139
No. | Item |
Simultaneous Translation You are welcome to use Welsh at the meeting, a minimum notice period of 3 working days is required should you wish to do so. A simultaneous translation will be provided if requested.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests had been received for the simultaneous translation service.
Apologies To receive. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors K. Chaplin, M. Day, J. Hill, J. Holt, J. Morgan, J.P., J. Wilkins, and the Chief Officer Resources.
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations To consider any declarations of interest and dispensations made. Minutes: The following declaration of interest was reported:
Item No. 22: Council Motion – Animal Welfare
- Councillor W. Hodgins
Upon the advice of the Head of Legal and Corporate Compliance/Monitoring Officer, the Member remained in the meeting whilst the item of business was considered but took no part in the discussion.
Presiding Member's Announcements To receive. Minutes: Condolences
Condolences were expressed to:
- Councillor Lisa Winnett on the sad passing of her father. - Councillor Malcolm Cross on the sad passing of his sister.
Members and officers paid their respects with one minute’s silence.
Condolence letters had been sent to the families.
Councillor Carl Bainton – Resignation
The Leader of the Council made the following statement:
It was with regret that he had to announce the resignation of Carl Bainton who had served the Ebbw Vale South Ward since being elected in May 2022. This situation had developed because the Council at the request of Welsh Government, had been asked to transfer Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations (GAVO) staff employed on the Communities for Work Plus Programme into the Council in order to align with the model adopted by the other 21 local authorities across Wales. As a result, Carl had transferred under TUPE regulations into the Council and had, therefore, had to resign as a Member of the Council. This was a unique situation, however, the provisions of the Local Government and Elections Act 2021 applied and regrettably Carl was unable to remain both a Councillor and employee. Carl had sought advice and clarity throughout the TUPE transfer process and although an unprecedented situation, confirmation had substantiated that the Act applied in this situation.
During his tenure Carl had demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the betterment of the community and citizens of Blaenau Gwent by working tirelessly to address the needs and concerns of residents. His efforts in areas such as his role of Cost of Living Champion had left a lasting impact, so much so, that the Leader had recently discussed making him Chair of the Cost of Living Cross Party Working Group, such was his dedication and commitment to the work.
The Leader concluded by stating that all were grateful for Carl’s outstanding service and dedication and wished him all the best for the future. Inevitably this resignation would trigger a by-election in the Ebbw Vale South Ward in the New Year.
The Leader than proceeded to read out a letter received from Carl:
“Dear fellow elected members,
Many would know when I started my term of office as a Councillor for Blaenau Gwent that I was employed by GAVO in the Communities for Work Plus Team. At the request of Welsh Government, GAVO recently transferred the team including myself to the Council under TUPE regulations. It was initially believed in these unique circumstances that I may be able to undertake a dual role. Unfortunately, it had since been clarified that the legislation does not permit me to continue in both roles. Therefore, I have no alternative but other than to disqualify myself from being a Councillor with immediate effect.
At this juncture, I would like to thank all Councillors for their comradery and support shown during my tenure and to hardworking staff of the Council whose efforts sometimes goes unnoticed and a massive sincere thanks to all my constituents in Ebbw Vale South ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Decision Book - March - November, 2023 Minutes: The Decision Book for the period March – November 2023 was submitted for consideration.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the decisions be approved and confirmed as a true record of proceedings.
Ordinary Meeting of the Council PDF 117 KB To consider and if thought fit, approve the decisions of the meeting held on 21st September, 2023. Minutes: Agreed. |
Special Meeting of the Council PDF 102 KB To consider and if thought fit, approve the decisions of the meeting held on 24th October, 2023.
Minutes: Agreed.
General Licensing Committee PDF 70 KB To confirm the decisions of the General Licensing Committee held on 25th September, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
To confirm the decisions of the Planning Committee held on 5th October, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
General Licensing Committee PDF 70 KB To confirm the decisions of the General Licensing Committee held on 23rd October, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
To confirm the decisions of the Planning Committee held on 9th November, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
To confirm the decisions of Cabinet held on 4th October, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
Partnerships Scrutiny Committee PDF 70 KB To confirm the decisions of the Partnerships Scrutiny Committee held on 28th March, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
Place Scrutiny Committee PDF 74 KB To confirm the decisions of Place Scrutiny Committee held on 5th September, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
Corporate and Performance Scrutiny Committee PDF 74 KB To confirm the decisions of the Corporate and Performance Scrutiny Committee held on 14th September, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
People Scrutiny Committee PDF 78 KB To confirm the decisions of the People Scrutiny Committee held on 19th September, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
Governance & Audit Committee PDF 86 KB To confirm the decisions of the Governance & Audit Committee held on 20th September, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
Ethics & Standards Committee PDF 72 KB To confirm the decisions of the Ethics & Standards Committee held on 21st September, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
Governance & Audit Committee PDF 92 KB To confirm the decisions of the Governance & Audit Committee held on 18th October, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
Special Partnerships Scrutiny Committee PDF 75 KB To confirm the decisions of the Special Partnerships Scrutiny Committee held on 19th October, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
Members Questions To receive questions, if any, from Members.
Minutes: There were no questions submitted by Members. |
Public Questions To receive questions, if any, from the public.
Minutes: |
Motion - Animal Welfare PDF 67 KB To consider the attached Motion. Minutes: Councillor W. Hodgins declared an interest in this item and remained in the meeting whilst it was considered but took no part in the discussion.
Consideration was given to the Motion submitted regarding Animal Welfare.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the Motion be supported and the Council agreed to:
(i) Ban outright the giving of live animals as prizes, in any form, on Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council land.
(ii) Write to Welsh Government urging an outright ban on giving of live animals as prizes on both public and private land in Wales.
Single Transferable Vote PDF 130 KB To consider the report of the Head of Legal and Corporate Compliance. Minutes: Councillor Jules Gardner joined the meeting at this juncture.
Members considered the report of the Head of Legal and Corporate Compliance.
Following a lengthy debate, a Member proposed that Option 1 i.e., to retain the current First Past The Post voting for local elections be endorsed. This proposal was seconded.
Another Member proposed that Option 2 i.e., to carry out a consultation exercise before bringing a report back to Council to consider changing the voting system which, would require a two thirds majority of Council before the voting system could be changed, be endorsed. This proposal was also seconded.
A recorded vote was, thereupon, requested for the public record.
In Favour of Option 1 – Councillors D. Bevan, M. Cross, D. Davies, W. Hodgins, G. Humphreys, J. C. Morgan, J. P. Morgan, L. Parsons, D. Rowberry, C. Smith, T. Smith, G. Thomas, S. Thomas, H. Trollope, D. Wilkshire, L. Winnett, D. Woods.
In Favour of Option 2 – Councillors P. Baldwin, S. Behr, H. Cunningham, G. A. Davies, S. Edmunds, J. Gardner, R. Leadbeater, E. Jones, J. Thomas.
The vote on Option 1 was, therefore, carried.
RESOLVED, subject to the foregoing, that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely that the current First Past The Post voting system for local elections be retained. |
Proposed Amendment to the Constitution PDF 135 KB To consider the report of the Head of Legal and Corporate Compliance/Monitoring Officer. Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Legal and Corporate Compliance/Monitoring Officer.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely that the suggested amendment below be approved and incorporated into the existing Constitution:
11.10.3 Appointment of Chief Executive “The Full Council will interview and appoint the Chief Executive. A shortlisting exercise will first be undertaken by a Committee or Sub-Committee of the Council, and the Committee or Sub-Committee must include at least one Member of the Cabinet. There will then be a suitable candidate assessment process to determine candidates to be interviewed by Full Council.”
Committing to the Armed Forces Covenant PDF 142 KB To consider the report of the Head of Democratic Services, Governance and Partnerships. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Head of Democratic Services, Governance and Partnerships was submitted for consideration.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Council commits to the Armed Forces Covenant which would be signed by Councillor Derrick Bevan, Armed Forces Champion.
Gwent Regional Partnership Board (RPB) Area Plan and RPB Annual Report 2022/2023 PDF 212 KB To consider the report of the Head of the Regional Partnership Team. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered the report of the Head of the Regional Partnership Board.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and the joint regional commitments as outlined in the Area Plan and the Regional Partnership Board Annual Report including progress made against the objects be approved.
To consider the attached report. Minutes: Advisory Panel for Local Authority Governors
The following recommendations were made by the Panel on 15th November, 2023 to appoint in principle:
Beaufort Hill Primary School – Belinda Tolman Georgetown Primary School – Jacqueline Thomas Bryn Bach Primary School – Nyree Davies-Jones
It was, thereupon, unanimously,
RESOLVED that the above appointments be endorsed.
RESOLVED that Mrs Cheryl Hucker be appointed as a Lay Member on the Governance & Audit Committee.
The following appointment was verbally reported:
RESOLVED that the appointment of Councillor Joshua Rawcliffe from Abertillery & Llanhilleth Community Councillor to the Town Councillor vacancy on the Ethics & Standards Committee be noted.