Issue - meetings

Audit Wales - 2021 Audit Plan – Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

Meeting: 27/07/2021 - Governance & Audit Committee (Item 11)

11 Audit Wales - 2021 Audit Plan – Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council pdf icon PDF 443 KB

To consider the Audit Wales report.

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Consideration was given to report of Audit Wales.


The Audit Wales Officer presented the report which provided the 2021 Audit Plan for Blaenau Gwent.


The Officer went through the report and highlighted points contained therein.  The COVID-19 pandemic continued to have a significant impact across the UK and on the work of public sector organisations.  As in 2020, it was likely to significantly impact on the preparation of the 2020-21 accounts, the financial audit and performance audit work.  Consequently, while this Audit Plan sets out an initial timetable for completion of the audit, the ongoing uncertainties around the impact of COVID-19 meant that some timings may need to be revisited, and any amendments to the proposed timetable would be discussed with the Council moving forward.


A Member said in light of the continued impact of the Covid pandemic he felt this year should be more about ‘steadying the ship’ rather than continuous improvement as outlined in the Plan.


In response the Officer said there was a requirement for the Council to have a plan for continuous improvement, and Audit Wales would be looking to ensure that was in place.


In response to a question raised by a Member, the Service Manager Accountancy confirmed that the fees for Audit Wales were paid from the Corporate Management budget within the Corporate Services Portfolio.


RESOLVED that the information contained in the report be noted.