Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Monitoring - 2020/2021 Provisional Outturn

Meeting: 26/07/2021 - Joint Scrutiny Committee (Budget Monitoring) (Item 7)

7 Revenue Budget Monitoring - 2020/2021 Provisional Outturn pdf icon PDF 712 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer Resources.

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Consideration was given to report of the Chief Officer Resources.


The Chief Officer Resources presented the report which provided details on the:


·        Provisional outturn position at the end of 2020/2021

·        Details of significant adverse variances

·        Provisional outturn for Fees & Charges

·        Progress on the achievement of the Bridging the Gap Projects for 2020/2021


The report formed part of the financial reporting framework to Members.


The Officer went through the report in detail and highlighted the key points contained therein. The overall financial position across all portfolios at 31st March 2021 was a favourable variance of £2.639m (1.7%), against a total revenue budget of £152m.However, the figures

were provisional and subject to external audit.  The outturn was a significant improvement on the forecast financial position at the end of December 2020, at which time the forecast was a favourable variance of £0.6m.


The Table 1 at section 5.1.3 of the report highlighted the provisional outturn across all Portfolios.


The Chief Officer reported that following a review of the year end position, and in support of the Council’s financial resilience, a further transfer to earmarked reserves of £1.2m had been made with the balance of £1.4m transferring to General reserves.


A Member said this was the most favourable financial position he had seen since becoming an elected Member, and thanked his colleagues at Welsh Government for their support during the Covid pandemic.  He said every facet of the budget had been put in place with the support of WG Hardship Funding.  However, he pointed out the support received had highlighted the volatility of the Council, and without that financial support, he said the Council would be in a serious position.


He also questioned the political decisions taken within the Environment Portfolio which showed a significant adverse variance in light of the positive financial position of the Council. 


The Member also questioned the need for a second HWRC, particularly in light of the shortfall in income expected in relation to the sale of recyclate materials.  He said in his opinion, the concerns and pressures within the service should have formed the basis of the decision to open a second HWRC facility.


Another Member referred to the one-off financial support provided by Welsh Government highlighted at section 5.1.8 of the report, and asked whether any unspent monies in relation to social distancing signage would have to be returned to WG.


The Chief Officer Resources said she was unaware of the terms and conditions of the funding relating to social distancing signage.  However, she explained that if the funding was hypothecated, any unspent monies would have to be returned, but if the funding was un-hypothecated it could be retained by the Council and spent elsewhere. 


In response to a question raised by a Member regarding the £500 payment to care workers, the Chief Officer Resources said this payment would also be made to care workers within the private sector operating within Blaenau Gwent.


The Member then referred to section 5.1.30 and questioned the adverse  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7