Issue - meetings

Brynmawr and Nantyglo Masterplan

Meeting: 21/10/2020 - Regeneration Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

Brynmawr and Nantyglo Masterplan

To consider the report of the Team Manager Regeneration Opportunities.

Additional documents:


Having regard to the views expressed by the Proper Officer regarding the public interest test, that on balance the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information and that the report should be exempt.


RESOLVED that the public be excluded whilst this item of business is transacted as it is likely there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14, Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972 (as amended).


Consideration was given to the report of the Team Manager Regeneration Opportunities.


The Team Manager Regeneration Opportunities presented the report which provided an update on the Masterplan commissioned for key sites within Brynmawr and Nantyglo, and sought endorsement on a proposed series of recommendations.


The Officer said Brynmawr was the focal point for the communities of the Upper Ebbw Fach Valley.  However, as with all town centres, the sustained fall in footfall presented a real challenge, and therefore a focus on projects and measures to attract people in the area was important.  The defined study area straddled both the Brynmawr and Nantyglo wards with the key principles of the study focusing specifically on key strategic sites.  Development scenarios and routes to market have been identified for each of the sites, and consultants have also carried out market analysis against each of the development options; developed initial schematics for each of the scenarios, and carried out consultation activity which included Blaenau Gwent Officers, Member engagement and public consultation.


A Member said he welcomed the report, but stressed the importance of flexibility within the Masterplan moving forward to take into account development of any further potential sites.


In response the Officer assured that the document would be fluid, and said it provided a foundation and the principles on which each site and decision would be taken forward.


A brief discussion ensued when the Officer clarified points raised by Members.


The Committee AGREED to recommend that the report which contained information relating to the financial/business affairs of persons other than the Authority be accepted, and endorsed the findings of the Brynmawr and Nantyglo Masterplan and agreed to the next steps for work to be undertaken in the following areas:-


·        Development of funding applications to support further activity (site investigations, site acquisition and demolition);

·        Continued dialogue with key stakeholders; and

·        Further develop potential development options for the Brynmawr Boilerhouse (delivery model, funding options, future use). (Option 2)