Issue - meetings

Ebbw Vale Hi Tec Test Facility

Meeting: 18/12/2019 - Executive Committee (Item 25)

Ebbw Vale Hi Tec Test Facility

To consider the report of the Corporate Director Regeneration and Community Services.


Having regard to the views expressed by the Proper Officer regarding the public interest test, that on balance the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information and that the report should be exempt.


RESOLVED that the public be excluded whilst this item of business is transacted as it is likely there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972 (as amended).


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director Regeneration and Community Services.


The Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development informed the Executive of the extensive work undertaken by the consultants and the opportunities to be explored. He noted the importance of taking forward the investigations to ascertain if there was potential for further development and advised that the next level would be to explore investment.


The Corporate Director Regeneration and Community Services added that a meeting had been arranged with Welsh Government to discuss the programme and advised that the Tech Valleys Board had shown support for the facility. The Corporate Director referred to the various companies which had been contacted to measure interest and advised that it had been important that these initial stages had been undertaken to explore all options. If approval was received for market testing the Authority would hold all the appropriate evidence. However, the Corporate Director stated that if  no positive outcome was reached from the process he would be satisfied that all options had been explored in order to seek  maximum opportunities for Blaenau Gwent.


The Managing Director concurred with the comments raised and noted the good work which had been carried out by the Corporate Director. The Managing Director reiterated the importance of identifying evidence as going forward it would be required for investment. It would also show that the Council had been robust around the governance and that the Authority was taking a more proactive approach in working as a commercially minded Council.


The Leader noted the comments and commended officers on the amount of work undertaken. The Leader felt that it would be paramount going forward that finances are monitored as part of the in-house team and also requested that financial matters was also included as part of future discussions with the Executive.


RESOLVED, subject to the foregoing, that the report which contained information relating to the financial/business affairs of persons other than the Authority be accepted and option 3, namely that market testing be agreed to identify a private sector partner and develop the scheme in partnership to a position where it could be determined whether there was a business case to proceed.