Agenda item

Gwent Regional Well-being Assessment

To consider the report of the Services Manager Policy and Partnerships.


Consideration was given to the report of the Service Manager Policy & Partnerships.


The Service Manager Policy and Partnerships gave an overview of the report and advised that the report was provided to outline the statutory requirements for consultation on the assessment of local well-being and highlighted options for how the Public Services Board (PSB) Scrutiny Committee can fulfil their role as a statutory consultee.


In relation to the regional grant funding from the Welsh Government, the Chair enquired when the outcome of the application would be known.  The Service Manager advised there was £78,000 available for the region, the application that had been submitted was fully compliant with the terms and conditions as set out in the criteria and hoped to be informed of the outcome imminently. 


A Member commented that this was a large piece of work that needed to encompass hard to reach groups in the community such as the elderly, the most isolated, the disabled and young people especially Comprehensive age pupils and College students, who had had a difficult and challenging year, especially with examinations due to the pandemic.  Most schools now had a dedicated Well-being Teacher or Tutor and Link Governor in place to support youngsters and he felt the report should specifically reflect youngster’s views.


The Service Manager clarified that this was a population based Well-being Assessment and encompassed all of our communities and would consider the different parts of the community to look at the differences and consequences and take this forward via the pillars of Well-being which were economic, social, environmental and cultural. Children and young people would have a big impact across these areas specifically from an education perspective and linking in with schools.   He pointed out that one of the principles in para 6.1 read ‘Consider well-being in Gwent in light of changing contextual circumstances and understand the implications of emerging challenges (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic, green recovery, EU Transition).  He reassured Members that all areas of well-being would be investigated and would ensure links with schools through the Well-being Champions was progressed through the Engagement Team and Sub Groups.  There had been a lot of progress in relation to well-being in schools and the new curriculum looked to place a strong focus on well-being, he was aware that Blaenau Gwent pupils had, in the past, participated in national well-being surveys and he would look out for that intelligence and data to investigate the issues raised. 


A Member referred to old age pensioners and senior citizens and stressed they had no community connect at all during the pandemic and felt that every effort should be made to include this group of people.  The Service Manager said that Members had identified two very important groups of populations and, as a whole population approach there was a requirement to look across the borough at all groups.  He added that work was also being carried out around Community Impact Assessments in both of these areas at a Local Authority level and also with partners, he gave an example regarding the earlier paper which considered the Age-friendly community.  The team were working closely with partners regarding understanding the impact of COVID-19 and other issues on specific populations and all that information would be tied into the Well-being Assessment process and allow the partnership to focus on specific issues around the Assessment of Well-being moving forward.  He added that the team would be actively looking to ensure that the appropriate links were made.


A Member requested clarification on the way this group would be set up and who would be responsible for producing the final report.  The Service Manager clarified that the Public Services Board would be responsible for putting a Well-being Assessment in place.  However, the PSB was made up of statutory partners so in essence it was the statutory partners responsibility to ensure this was delivered.  He explained that a current project plan was being developed to ensure that the four pillars of Well-being i.e. economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects were fully analysed, considered and taken forward.  Subject to agreement, there would be one document, an Assessment of Well-being, put in place for Gwent and that document would be presented for scrutiny to the appropriate committee for consideration.  He reassured Members that Blaenau Gwent would be involved in all the key areas to ensure that comments from key groups were taken into consideration.


The Service Manager commented that this was the first time a Regional Well-being Assessment was being developed and said that discussions around the differences between the five local authority areas had been considered.  It had been recognised that any Gwent Well-being approach needed to have a consistent way of considering the region as a whole. The current arrangements for the Blaenau Gwent Well-being Plan looked at the four Well-being areas in the borough, and negotiations were being held for those geographical areas to remain as they are.  The report would consider geographical analysis from all five local authorities to look for differences and to ensure that any differences are highlighted and carried forward as part of that planning process.


A brief discussion ensued and upon a vote being taken;


The Committee AGREED to recommend that the report be accepted and endorse Option 2; namely that the Public Services Board Scrutiny Committee considered the report and provided the following specific comment for consideration by the Public Services Board before approval;


·        That a consistent approach to engagement be delivered with an emphasis on hard to reach groups, including youngsters and pupils from comprehensive schools and colleges and older people groups.


The Committee FURTHER AGREED to receive a further report on the movement to a regional PSB as part of the forward work programme.


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