Agenda item

Capital Budget Monitoring, Forecast for 2020/2021 Financial Year (as at 30 June 2020)

To consider the report of the Chief Officer Resources.


Consideration was given to report of the Chief Officer Resources.


The Chief Officer Resources presented the report which provided an overview of each Portfolio’s actual and forecast capital expenditure against funding approvals for the 2020/2021 financial year, as at 30th June 2020, and details of any significant adverse and/or favourable variances.


The overall financial position forecast at 30th June 2020 indicated an adverse variance of £24,000 against a total in year capital budget of £20m.  Despite the Covid-19 Pandemic actual expenditure to June 2020 of £2m was £300,000 higher compared to Quarter 1 in financial year 2019/2020. However, should the pandemic situation continue to improve it was expected that Capital Expenditure would reach £20m by 31st March 2021.


The Officer said the forecast over-spend of £24,000 related to the essential capital works following adverse weather and the resulting flood damage in the early part of 2020. A Funding request had been submitted to Welsh Government, however, the Council had yet to receive confirmation of grant funding to cover the costs.  Where overall funding approvals were likely to be exceeded, and additional compensatory funding sources not be identified, budget holders would initially report the consequences to the Corporate Leadership Team, including proposals to defer/delete other approved schemes.


P. 88 Flood Damage Emergency Repairs


A Member referred to comments made at the previous meeting seeking a more prudent budget in relation to flooding, and said serious consideration should now be given to this in light of the number of flooding incidents across the Borough.


P. 85 Play Equipment


A Member sought clarification on the Welsh Government funding previously obtained for development of a ‘splash park’ in the Borough, and asked whether the funding had been returned to Welsh Government, or spent elsewhere.


In response the Chief Officer Resources explained that the ‘splash park’ proposal was no longer being progressed, however, following discussions with Welsh Government they agreed that the funding could be utilised for the provision of other play equipment in the Borough.


In response to a further question the Corporate Director Regeneration & Community Services said this came under the remit of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee.  He confirmed that a report on play equipment had been considered, and recommended for approval, at the last meeting of the Scrutiny Committee, and part of the report gave consideration to the Welsh Government funding being utilised for play equipment, in line with the Council’s Play Strategy previously agreed. 


The Chair was experiencing technical difficulties, and the Vice-Chair took the Chair at this juncture.


A Member asked whether the Council’s Play Strategy could now be reviewed in light of the additional Welsh Government funding.


In response the Corporate Director Regeneration & Community Services said there was no intention to review the Play Strategy, but the additional funding would allow us to go further down the priority list of the Strategy.  The report also outlined the commitment to engage with all Ward Members to discuss sites identified for removal or otherwise.


A Member asked for a breakdown of the Welsh Government funding and play equipment budget.


P.84 Class Size Willowtown


In response to a question raised, the Interim Corporate Director of Education explained that this was Welsh Government funding to support class size grant developments in relation to capacity within schools, and in this instance was for external adaptations at the School.


P.84 21st Century School Schools Six Bells Project


The Interim Corporate Director of Education confirmed that this related to additional Welsh Government funding for car parking, however, this initiative had been delayed as a result of the Covid response.


The Committee AGREED to recommend that the report be accepted and Members:-


·        Continue to support appropriate financial control procedures agreed by Council; and

·        To note the budgetary control and monitoring procedures in place within the Capital Team, to safeguard Authority funding (Option 1).


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