Venue: via MS Teams (if you wish to view this meeting please contact
No. | Item |
Simultaneous Translation You are welcome to use Welsh at the meeting a minimum notice period of 3 working days is required should you wish to do so. A simultaneous translation will be provided if requested.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests had been received for the simultaneous translation service.
Apologies To receive. Minutes: The following apologies for absence were reported:
Stephen Tiley - GAVO Peter Farley - GAVO Steve Morgan - NRW Sarah King – Blaenau Gwent Scott Morris- South Wales Fire & Rescue Councillor Jen Morgan, J.P. – Gwent Fire & Rescue Authority
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations To receive any declarations of interest and dispensation. Minutes: No declarations of interest or dispensations were reported.
Gwent Public Services Board Scrutiny Committee PDF 193 KB To consider the decisions of the Gwent PSB Scrutiny Committee held on 29th March, 2023.
(N.B. The decisions are submitted for accuracy points only) Minutes: Consideration was given to the decisions of the Committee held on 29th March, 2023.
The Committee AGREED that the decisions be recorded as a true record of proceedings.
To receive. Minutes: Consideration was given to the Action Sheet.
The Committee AGREED that the Action Sheet be noted.
Draft Terms of Reference for the Gwent Public Services Board Scrutiny Committee PDF 130 KB To consider the report of Sarah King, Head of Democratic Services, Governance and Partnerships. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Democratic Services, Governance and Partnerships (Blaenau Gwent).
The Committee AGREED that the report be accepted and
(i) the Draft Terms of Reference (Appendix 1) be agreed; (ii) it was agreed that the Chairperson for the first year (June 2023 – May 2024) would be a nominated representative from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, namely Councillor Tommy Smith (iii) it was agreed that the Vice-Chairperson for the first year (June 2023 – May 2024) would be a nominated representative from Caerphilly County Borough Council; namely, Councillor S. Williams (iv) the meetings would be held on a hybrid basis, taking into consideration the detail in paragraph 5.3 as follows, to be reviewed in 12 months.
“ It was further recommended that the Scrutiny Committee meetings are offered on a hybrid basis, with the option to hold the meetings in other Local Authority areas. It should be noted that if meetings are held in other Local Authority areas, the support arrangements for that meeting for the use of the systems within that Local Authority would need to be provided by the democratic services staff of that council, adhering to individual council’s Multi Location Meetings Policies”.
(v) Following agreement of 6.1 (iv), the Committee agreed the venue for the next meeting of the Gwent Public Services Board Scrutiny Committee scheduled to be held on 6th September 2023.
Gwent Public Services Board Draft Performance Management Framework PDF 586 KB To consider. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the Draft Performance Management Framework.
The Committee AGREED that the report be accepted and scrutinised the draft Performance Management Framework attached as Appendix 1 and provided feedback ahead of its discussion by the Gwent Public Services Board on 22nd June 2023.