Venue: via MS Teams
No. | Item |
Simultaneous Translation You are welcome to use Welsh at the meeting a minimum notice period of 3 working days is required should you wish to do so. A simultaneous translation will be provided if requested.
It was noted that no requests had been received for the simultaneous translation service.
Apologies To receive. Minutes: The following apologies for absence were reported:-
Councillor E. Stowell-Corten, NCC Steve O’Connell, SWF&R
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations To receive any declarations of interest and dispensation. Minutes: |
Gwent Public Services Board Scrutiny Committee PDF 74 KB To consider the decisions of the meeting held on 17th April, 2024.
(N.B. The decisions are submitted for accuracy points only). Minutes: Consideration was given to the decisions of the Committee held on 17th April, 2024.
The Committee AGREED that the decisions be recorded as a true record of proceedings. |
Gwent Well-being Plan Annual Report PDF 115 KB To consider the report. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of Sarah King, GSWAG Lead.
The Committee AGREED that the report be accepted and the Gwent PSB Scrutiny Committee noted the progress detailed in the first Annual Report against the Gwent Well-being Plan and provided comments.
Gwent Public Services Board Delivery Framework : Best Start in Life PDF 134 KB To consider the report. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of Sarah King, GSWAG Lead.
The Committee AGREED that the report be accepted and
(a) noted and discussed the initial findings from the regional assessment of progress against the actions relating to the Best Start in Life Area of Focus. Provided comments for the PSB to consider;
(b) noted the PSB would be asked to consider future Leadership & Governance arrangements for this work. They would consider appointing a PSB Member to lead each Area of Focus and to agree any governance arrangements which need to be put in place to maintain progress and accelerate future delivery across the region; and
(c) noted there would be a rolling programme of Delivery Reports and associated Data Sets coming through covering each Area of Focus.
To consider the report. Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of Sarah King, GSWAG Lead.
A discussion ensued in relation to the Terms of Reference, and it was proposed that Elected Members would continue to Chair for the 2024/25 cycle of meetings.
However once the
cycle was completed the Terms of Reference would be reviewed to
consider whether both elected and
This proposal was agreed and seconded.
The Committee AGREED, subject to the foregoing that the report be accepted and it was agreed that the Chairperson would be Councillor Shane Williams (Caerphilly County Borough Council) and Vice-Chairperson would be Councillor Penny Jones (Monmouthshire County Council) for the 2024/25 cycle of meetings.