Venue: as a Hybrid Meeting virtually via MS Teams or in the Sir William Firth Room at the General Offices, Ebbw Vale
No. | Item |
Simultaneous Translation You are welcome to use Welsh at the meeting, a minimum notice period of 3 working days is required should you wish to do so. A simultaneous translation will be provided if requested.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests had been received for the simultaneous translation service.
Media |
Apologies To receive. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor C Bainton. |
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations To receive. Minutes: No declarations of interest or dispensations were raised. |
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2022/2023 – Provisional Outturn PDF 562 KB To consider the report of the Chief Officer
Resources. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Chief Officer Resources.
The Committee AGREED that the report be accepted and
(a) Members considered and provided the appropriate challenge to the financial outcomes in the report; and (b) noted the net use of specific reserves (Option 1).
To consider the report of the Chief Officer
Resources. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Chief Officer Resources.
The Committee AGREED that the report be accepted and
(a) Members considered the information included within the report and provided the appropriate challenge to the financial outcomes in the report; (b) continued to support appropriate financial control procedures agreed by Council; and (c) noted the budgetary control and monitoring procedures in place within the Capital Team, to safeguard Authority funding (Option 1).
To consider the report of the Head of
Democratic Services, Governance and Partnerships. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Governance and Partnerships.
The Committee AGREED that the report be accepted and supported the proposed approach for developing the Strategic Equality Plan 2024/28 and Equality Objectives to be approved by Cabinet (Option 1).