Venue: Remotely via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Democratic Services 6139
No. | Item |
Simultaneous Translation You are welcome to use Welsh at the meeting, a minimum notice period of 3 working days is required should you wish to do so. A simultaneous translation will be provided if requested.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests had been received for the simultaneous translation service.
Apologies To receive. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from:
Councillors M. Cross, D. Davies, J. Holt, J. Wilkins and Mara Moruz, Youth Mayor.
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations To consider any declarations of interest and dispensations received. Minutes: |
Chloe Lines - Outgoing Youth Mayor To receive an overview from Chloe Lines, outgoing Youth Mayor on her democracy journey.
Minutes: The Presiding Member welcomed Chloe Lines, the outgoing Youth Mayor to the meeting.
Chloe, thereupon, provided an overview of her democracy journey to date. Chloe’s main priority during her time in office was raising awareness of bullying and her campaign film was shown to Council. It was noted that the film was available to view on the Council’s website and had been shared with all schools.
Members commended Chloe on her truly inspirational journey and on producing such an amazing and powerful film and expressed their best wishes to her for the future.
The incoming Youth Mayor, Mara Moruz and Deputy Youth Mayor, Chloe Simmonds were also welcomed and congratulated on their successful election and best wishes were expressed to both for their forthcoming year in office.
Presiding Member's Announcements To receive. Minutes: Congratulations
Congratulations were expressed to:
ØRiley Powell aged 14, a Year 10 pupil of Tredegar Comprehensive School who would be playing against world number 8 seed, Kyren Wilson in the Shoot Out Snooker match which was being televised that day.
RESOLVED that a letter of congratulations be sent to Riley.
ØCondolences were expressed to Steve Smith, Service Manager Development & Estates on the sad passing of his father.
ØInternational Holocaust Memorial Day would be held on 27th January, 2023 which would remember those who had lost and gave their lives during the Holocaust.
Members and officers paid their respects with a minute’s silence.
DECISION BOOK OCTOBER 2022 - JANUARY 2023 Minutes: The Decision Book for the period October 2022 – January 2023 was submitted for consideration.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the decisions be approved and confirmed as a true record of proceedings.
Ordinary Meeting of the Council To consider and if thought fit, approve the decisions of the meeting held on 24th November, 2022.
Minutes: Agreed. |
Special Meeting of the Council To consider and if thought fit, approve the decisions of the meeting held on 21st December, 2022.
Minutes: Agreed.
To confirm the decisions of the Planning Committee held on 12th January, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
General Licensing Committee To confirm the decisions of the General Licensing Committee held on 16th January, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
Statutory Licensing Committee To confirm the decisions of the Statutory Licensing Committee held on 16th January, 2023. Minutes: Agreed.
To confirm the decisions of the Cabinet meeting held on 7th December, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
People Scrutiny Committee To confirm the decisions of the People Scrutiny Committee held on 18th October 2022.
Minutes: Agreed.
Standards Committee To confirm the decisions of the Standards Committee held on 18th October 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Corporate and Performance Scrutiny Committee To confirm the decisions of the Corporate and Performance Scrutiny Committee held on 19th October 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Place Scrutiny Committee To confirm the decisions of the Place Scrutiny Committee held on 8th November, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Corporate and Performance Scrutiny Committee To confirm the decisions of the Corporate and Performance Scrutiny Committee held on 21st November, 2022.
Minutes: Agreed.
Place Scrutiny Committee To confirm the decisions of the Place Scrutiny Committee held on 13th December, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Corporate and Performance Scrutiny Committee To confirm the decisions of the Corporate and Performance Scrutiny Committee held on 15th December, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Ordinary Meeting of the Council - Action Sheet To receive the Action Sheet. Minutes: The Action Sheet arising from the meeting held on 24th November, 2022 was submitted.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the information contained therein be noted.
Members Questions To receive questions, if any, from Members.
Minutes: |
Public Questions To receive questions, if any, from the public.
Minutes: There were no questions submitted by members of the public.
In reply to a question, the Head of Legal and Corporate Compliance stated that the procedure for the submission of public questions was detailed in the Constitution, which was available on the Council’s website. However, for the purposes of openness and transparency, ways to highlight this information in a clearer website format would be investigated in conjunction with the Head of Democratic Services, Governance & Partnerships.
RESOLVED accordingly.
Revised LDP Delivery Agreement Timetable To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Community Services. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered the report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Community Services.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely that the Revised Delivery Agreement and timetable for the preparation of the Replacement LDP be approved.
Standards Committee Appointment To consider the report of the Head of Legal and Corporate Compliance (Monitoring Officer). Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Legal and Corporate Compliance (Monitoring Officer)
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely the appointment of Miss Jennifer White to the Standards Committee be approved and in addition, Ms Sarah Manuel be approved as the reserve candidate to provide cover should a vacancy became available.
Freedom of the Borough To receive a verbal report. Minutes: The Leader of the Council commenced by stating that it had previously been mentioned and noted that the 27th January was International Holocaust Memorial Day which marked the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau one of the largest death camps.
Unfortunately, racial hate crimes were on the increase and Home Office statistics had indicated that there had been a marked increase in these crimes by 19% between March 2021 and March 2022 and therefore, there was a need to take action to counteract this.
Eva Clarke, a holocaust survivor had dedicated and devoted much of her life to spreading a message of hope in the darkness and outlining the harrowing story of the holocaust to young and old. Eva had visited Blaenau Gwent on numerous occasions, delivering this message to Members, the public and children. To recognise this great work and honouring Eva’s commitment and dedication, the Leader proposed that Eva be awarded the Freedom of the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent.
In doing so, the Leader stated that this would send a message from the Council, that racism and racial discrimination had no place now in community and it would be fought wherever it raised its ugly head.
To conclude, the Leader of the Council placed on record his appreciation to Dave Rees and Unison for the help they had provided in consistently bringing this subject to the fore and for their continued support at events. Other Members commended and seconded the proposal to award Eva Clarke, Freedom of the County Borough of Blaenau Gwent.
It was, therefore, unanimously,
RESOLVED that the Freedom of the Borough be bestowed on Eva Clarke.
To consider the attached report. Minutes:
Advisory Panel for Local Authority GovernorS
The following recommendations were made by the Panel on 19th January, 2023 to appoint in principle:
- Blaen-y-Cwm Primary School – Helen Langley - Coed-y-Garn Primary School – Councillor Sonia Behr - Ebbw Fawr 3-16 Learning Community – Councillor George Humphreys - St. Illtyds Primary School – Keri Jones - Sofrydd Primary School – Keri Jones
It was, thereupon, unanimously,
RESOLVED that the above appointments be endorsed.
It was noted that under the Health and Social Care (Quality & Engagement) (Wales) Act 2020 (“the 2020 Act”) Community Health Councils would be replaced by the Citizen Voice Body (CVB) which was due to launch on 1st April, 2023. Therefore, Members’ appointments would cease when the CHCs were abolished, which was anticipated to be on the 1st of April 2023 and Members would be offered the opportunity to become a volunteer for the CVB (although they would not form part of the composition of the CVB Board).
- appointing a Member on the above Forum.
RESOLVED that Councillor Chris Smith be appointed to represent the Council on the WLGA’s Rural Forum.
- appointing a Wellbeing Champion.
RESOLVED that Councillor Jacqueline Thomas be appointed as the Council’s Wellbeing Champion.