Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Democratic Services 6139
No. | Item |
Simultaneous Translation You are welcome to use Welsh at the meeting, a minimum notice period of 3 working days is required should you wish to do so. A simultaneous translation will be provided if requested.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests had been received for the simultaneous translation service.
Apologies To receive. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor S. Edmunds and the Interim Corporate Director of Social Services.
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations To consider any declarations of interest and dispensations received. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest or dispensations reported.
Presiding Member's Announcements To receive. Minutes: Congratulations were expressed to:
ØAlfie Skinner who had represented the British Junior Golf Team in San Diego, California and had finished 18th and 10th in two events.
RESOLVED that an appropriate letter be sent.
Minute Book - November 2021 - April 2022 Minutes: The Minute Book for the period November 2021 – April 2022 was submitted for consideration, whereupon:
Annual Meeting of the Council – Part 2 – 10th June, 2022 Chair of Democratic Services Committee
For accuracy, it was reported that Councillor Julie Holt had declined the position of the Chair of Democratic Services Committee as had all other Members of the Independent Group at this current point in time.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED, subject to the foregoing, that the minutes be approved and confirmed as a true record of proceedings.
Annual Meeting of the Council - Part 1 PDF 323 KB To confirm and if thought fit, approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 26th May, 2022.
Minutes: Agreed. |
Annual Meeting of the Council - Part 2 PDF 459 KB To confirm and if thought fit, approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10th June, 2022.
Annual Meeting of the Council – Part 2 – 10th June, 2022 Chair of Democratic Services Committee
For accuracy, it was reported that Councillor Julie Holt had declined the position of the Chair of Democratic Services Committee as had all other Members of the Independent Group at this current point in time.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED, subject to the foregoing, that the minutes be approved and confirmed as a true record of proceedings.
Ordinary Meeting of the Council PDF 699 KB To confirm and if thought fit, approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 9th March, 2022.
Minutes: Agreed. |
Special Meeting of the Council PDF 330 KB To confirm and if thought fit, approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th February, 2022.
Minutes: Agreed.
Planning, Regulatory & General Licensing Committee (Planning Matters) PDF 266 KB To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd March, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Planning, Regulatory & General Licensing Committee (Planning Matters) PDF 220 KB To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 16th June, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
General Licensing Committee PDF 184 KB To confirm the Minutes of the General Licensing Committee held on 20th June, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Executive Committee PDF 312 KB To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Special Executive Committee PDF 264 KB To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16th March, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Democratic Services Committee PDF 209 KB To confirm the minutes of the Democratic Services Committee held on 8th November, 2021. Minutes: Agreed.
Social Services Scrutiny Committee PDF 248 KB To confirm the minutes of the Social Services Scrutiny Committee held on 20th January, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Joint Education & Learning and Social Services Safeguarding Scrutiny Committee PDF 306 KB To confirm the minutes of the Joint Education & Learning and Social Services (Safeguarding) Scrutiny Committee held on 21st January, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Special Education & Learning Scrutiny Committee PDF 263 KB To confirm the minutes of the Special Education & Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 26th January, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Special Public Services Scrutiny Committee PDF 207 KB To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28th January, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Education & Learning Scrutiny Committee PDF 225 KB To confirm the minutes of the Education & Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 1st February, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Regeneration Scrutiny Committee PDF 234 KB To confirm the minutes of the Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 9th February, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee PDF 224 KB To confirm the minutes of the Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee held on 23rd February, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Community Services Scrutiny Committee PDF 287 KB To confirm the minutes of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee held on 28th February, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Joint Scrutiny Committee (Budget Monitoring) PDF 244 KB To confirm the minutes of the Joint Scrutiny Committee (Budget Monitoring) held on 7th March, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Education & Learning Scrutiny Committee PDF 241 KB To confirm the minutes of the Education & Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 15th March, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Governance & Audit Committee PDF 414 KB To confirm the minutes of the Governance & Audit Committee held on 14th April, 2022. Minutes: Agreed.
Members Questions To receive questions, if any, from Members.
Minutes: There were no questions submitted by Members. |
Public Questions To receive questions, if any, from the public.
Minutes: There were no questions submitted by members of the public.
Motion - Cost of Living PDF 250 KB To consider the attached Motion. Minutes: Consideration was given to the Motion submitted regarding the cost of living.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the Motion be supported and
Ø The pay claim submitted by UNISON, GMB and Unite on behalf of council and school workers, for an increase of £2,000 or RPI (whichever was greater) be supported.
Ø The Local Government Association be called upon to make urgent representations to central government to fund the NJC pay claim.
Ø The Chancellor and Secretary of State be written to calling for a pay increase for local government workers to be funded with new money from central government.
Ø A meeting be convened with local NJC union representatives to convey support for the pay claim and consider practical ways in which the council could support the campaign.
Ø All local government workers be encouraged to join a union.
Annual Report of Head of Democratic Services 2021/22 PDF 709 KB To consider the report of the Head of Democratic Services, Governance & Partnerships. Minutes: Members considered the report of the Head of Democratic Services, Governance & Partnerships.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely that Council was satisfied that there was a sufficient level of support for Elected Members.
Annual Scrutiny Report 2021/2022 PDF 408 KB To consider the report of the Scrutiny and Democratic Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Scrutiny & Democratic Officer.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely, the ‘scrutiny activity’ that had been undertaken by each Scrutiny Committee during 2021/22 be approved and the report published on the Blaenau Gwent website.
Support Arrangements for Members on Outside Bodies PDF 581 KB To consider the report of the Head of Democratic Services, Governance and Partnerships. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Democratic Services, Governance & Partnerships.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be deferred and re-considered at the September Meeting of the Council. |
Schedule of Members Remuneration 2022/2023 PDF 674 KB To consider the report of the Head of Organisational Development. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Head of Organisational Development was submitted for consideration.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely, the Schedule of Members Remuneration for 2022/23 be agreed and published.
Statement of Payments Made to Elected Members in 2021/2022 PDF 680 KB To consider the report of the Head of Organisational Development. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Head of Organisational Development was submitted for consideration.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, i.e. in order to comply with relevant legislation that theStatement of Payments Made to Members during 2021/22 be published.
Council's Suite of Disciplinary and Capability Policies & Procedures PDF 513 KB To consider the report of the Head of Organisational Development. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Organisational Development.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely that the suite of Disciplinary and Capability Policies and Procedures be approved for implementation. This would ensure that the policies reflect best practice, statutory requirements and strengthens current practice.
Employer Supported Volunteering Policy PDF 400 KB To consider the report of the Head of Organisational Development. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Organisational Development.
A Member requested that the document be amended to reflect that the policy would only apply to volunteering within the local community of Blaenau Gwent.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED, subject to the foregoing, that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely that the Volunteering Policy be supported for implementation.
Regional Population Needs Assessment (PNA) PDF 423 KB To consider the joint report of the Interim Corporate Director of Social Services and the Head of the Regional Partnership Team. Additional documents: Minutes: The joint report of the Interim Corporate Director of Social Services and Head of the Regional Partnership Team was submitted for consideration.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and the Population Needs Assessment be endorsed.
Due to the need to consider the following item as a matter of urgency, the Presiding Member has confirmed that the matter can be considered under the Provisions of Paragraph 4(b), Section 100(b) of the Local Government Act, 1972.
To adhere to timescales as a decision is required across the Gwent region.
To consider the report of the Head of Adult Services.
Additional documents: Minutes: Due to the need to consider the following item as a matter of urgency, the Presiding Member confirmed that the following matter could be considered under the Provisions of Paragraph 4(b), Section 100(b) of the Local Government Act, 1972.
Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Adult Services.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 2 be endorsed, namely that an immediate urgent response to the current staffing crisis in social care be developed and implemented and the current commissioned hourly rate to providers be increased by £1 per hour.
This would be time limited for a 6-month period to December 2022.
Standards Committee PDF 193 KB To consider the report of the meeting held on 28th January, 2022. Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the meeting held on 28th January, 2022.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and the information contained therein be noted.
To consider the attached report. Minutes: Consideration was given to:
Aneurin Bevan community Health Council
- The appointment of one representative on the above.
RESOLVED that Councillor E. Jones be appointed to the Aneurin Bevan Community Health Council.
- The appointment of one representative on the above.
RESOLVED that Councillor H. Trollope be appointed to the Gwent Archive Joint Committee.
Advisory Panel for Local Authority GovernorS
The following recommendations were made by the Panel on 30th June, 2022 to appoint in principle:
Ebbw Fawr Learning Community – Jon Mower Willowtown Primary School – Jordan Colcombe St. Illtyd’s Primary School – Sarah Long Deighton Primary School – Councillor Ellen Jones The River Centre – Jacqueline Gwynne
It was, thereupon, unanimously,
RESOLVED that the above appointments be endorsed.
Membership - Advisory Panel for the Appointment of Local Authority Governors
Pursuant to the revised terms of reference agreed at the Panel meeting on 30th June, the membership of the Advisory Panel for Local Authority Governors was reviewed as follows:
· 3 Majority Group Members (including the Executive Member for People & Educationwho will Chair the Panel); and · 3 Members from the Minority Group It was, therefore, RESOLVED that following Members be appointed to the Panel: 1. Executive Member – People & Education Councillor S. Edmunds (Chair)
2. Councillor D. Bevan
3. Councillor D. Davies
4. Councillor G. A. Davies
5. Councillor J. Hill
6. Councillor T. Smith
Cost of Living Crisis Cross Party Working Group
- Establishing and appointing Members to the above-named Working Group.
RESOLVED that the following Members be appointed to the above-named Working Group:
1. Leader of the Council/Executive Member Corporate Overview & Performance
2. Deputy Leader of the Council/Executive Member Place & Environment
3. Executive Member – Place & Regeneration
4. Executive Member – People & Education
5. Executive Member – People & Social Services
6. Chair of Corporate Overview & Performance Scrutiny Committee
7. Councillor G. Humphreys
Time of Future Council Meetings To discuss. Minutes: Members considered the time of future Council meetings.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that all future Council meetings commence at 10.00 a.m.
Exempt Items To receive and consider the following reports which in the opinion of the proper officer are an exempt items taking into account consideration of the public interest test and that the press and public should be excluded from the meeting (the reason for the decisions for the exemption are available on a schedule maintained by the proper officer).
Minutes: To receive and consider the following reports which in the opinion of the proper officer were exempt items taking into account consideration of the public interest test and that the press and public should be excluded from the meeting (the reasons for the decisions for the exemptions was available on a schedule maintained by the proper officer).
Shortlisting - JNC Officers To consider the report of the meeting held on 17th June, 2022. Minutes: Having regard to the views expressed by the Proper Officer regarding the public interest test, that on balance, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information and that the report should be exempt.
RESOLVED that the public be excluded whilst this item of business is transacted as it is likely there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12 & 13, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972 (as amended).
Consideration was given to the report of the meeting held on 17th June, 2022.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report which related to staffing matters be accepted and the decisions contained therein be noted |
Appointments Committee To consider the report of the meeting held on 28th June, 2022. Minutes: Having regard to the views expressed by the Proper Officer regarding the public interest test, that on balance, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information and that the report should be exempt.
RESOLVED that the public be excluded whilst this item of business is transacted as it is likely there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12 & 13, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972 (as amended).
Consideration was given to the report of the meeting held on 28th June, 2022.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report which related to staffing matters be accepted and the post be offered to Joanne Watts on a salary in accordance with JNC 1 (£52,178 - £57,392).