Venue: Virtually Via Microsoft Teams - if you would like to attend this meeting live via Microsoft Teams please contact
Contact: Democratic Services 6139
No. | Item |
Simultaneous Translation You are welcome to use Welsh at the meeting, a minimum notice period of 3 working days is required should you wish to do so. A simultaneous translation will be provided if requested.
Minutes: It was noted that no requests had been received for the simultaneous translation service.
Apologies To receive. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors G. Collier, M. Holland, G. Paulsen and B. Thomas.
Declarations of Interest and Dispensations To consider any declarations of interest and dispensations received. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest or dispensations reported.
Chair's Announcements To receive. Minutes: Congratulations
- Congratulations were extended to Mrs Glenys Weston of Ebbw Vale who would be celebrating her 100th birthday on 10th October, 2020.
RESOLVED that an appropriate letter be sent.
- Condolences were expressed to the family and friends of Sir Simon Boyle KCVO, Lord Lieutenant of Gwent 2001-2016 who died peacefully at home on 4th September 2020 aged 79.
Members and officers marked this sad occasion with a brief silence as a mark of respect.
It was noted that a condolence letter had been sent on behalf of Members and officers of the authority.
Minute Book - February - September 2020 Minutes:
The Minute Book for the period February – September 2020 was submitted for consideration, whereupon:
Item No. 17 - Special Regeneration Scrutiny Committee – 8th September, 2020
A Member said that there had been a considerable amount of confusion at the Regeneration Scrutiny Committee yesterday at which, the above-named minutes were considered. In the main, this confusion and lack of understanding related to the systems and processes to deal with minutes at a ‘Special Committee’. He had checked previous Committees including Special Executive but was unable to identify any other meeting where this process had occurred and said that clarification on this matter should be sought prior to the minutes being accepted.
In addition, concern had been raised regarding the balance and reflection of debate captured within the minutes of the final exempt item, as no mention had been made to points raised regarding the viability around asbestos removal and the condition of building. There had also been a request made that when the item was considered by the Executive Committee (this happened to be an hour following the Scrutiny Committee had concluded), that the views of the Scrutiny Committee were conveyed together with a request that the report remain in an exempt status until these matters had been addressed. He concluded by reiterating that clarification on these matters should be sought prior to the minutes being accepted and that he would personally be unable to accept the minutes in their current format.
The Chair pointed out that it was her understanding that Members of the Scrutiny Committee had taken a vote on this particular set of minutes and they had been accepted as a true record of the proceedings. The Member advised that it was his understanding that the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee would meet the Leader and Deputy Leader to discuss the matter further.
The Head of Governance and Partnerships reminded Council that a request that had previously been made by Members for sets of minutes to be submitted to the next available Scrutiny Committee for consideration, wherever this was possible and this included ‘Special’ Committees.
The Chair of the Regeneration Scrutiny Committee confirmed that there had been no confusion about the minutes, the Advisor had confirmed that it was in order for minutes to the presented to a Special Committee for consideration.
The Leader of the Labour Group said for the same reason outlined by his colleague, he was also unable to accept the minutes and expressed his concern at the speed at which the set of minutes had been produced and also that the scrutiny process had been ridden across as a result.
The Leader of the Council advised that he was confused as to where the scrutiny process had been ‘ridden’ across because exactly the same principle had happened on the previous Monday with regard to the Wood Facility report. He explained that this process took place where there were contentious issues or issues that were beneficial to the authority that needed to ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Ordinary Meeting of the Council To consider and if thought fit, approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 23rd July, 2020.
Minutes: Agreed. |
Planning, Regulatory and General Licensing Committee To confirm the Minutes of the Planning, Regulatory and General Licensing Committee held on 30th July, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Executive Committee To confirm Minutes of the Executive Committee held on 2nd September, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Special Executive Committee To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 8th September, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Special Executive Committee To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16th September, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee To confirm the Minutes of the Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee held on 12th February, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Social Services Scrutiny Committee To confirm the Minutes of the Social Services Scrutiny Committee held on 13th February, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Education & Learning Scrutiny Committee To confirm the Minutes of the Education & Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 26th February, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Community Services Scrutiny Committee To confirm the minutes of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee held on 27th February, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee To confirm the Minutes of the Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee held on 3rd March, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Regeneration Scrutiny Committee To confirm the minutes of the Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 5th March, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Regeneration Scrutiny Committee To confirm the minutes of the special Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 16th March, 2020. Minutes: Agreed. |
Regeneration Scrutiny Committee To confirm the minutes of the Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 8th September, 2020. Minutes: Councillors J. C. Morgan, H. Trollope and S. Thomas requested that their names be recorded against the decision to accept the above-named set of minutes.
It was RESOLVED subject to the foregoing, that the minutes be agreed.
Members Questions To receive questions, if any, from Members.
Minutes: There were no questions submitted by Members. |
Public Questions To receive questions, if any, from the public.
Minutes: There were no questions submitted by members of the public.
Treasury Management Annual Review 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 To consider the report of the Chief Officer Resources. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered the report of the Chief Officer Resources.
At the invitation of the Chair, the Chief Officer Resources spoke briefly to the report, which provided the opportunity to Members to review the Treasury Management activities carried out during 2019/2020.
Reference was made to Table 5.1.6 which provided a summary of the activities and Members were advised that a copy of the full annual report was available at appendix 1. During 2019/2020 the authority had taken £10m long term public debt from other public authorities and despite the financial climate the authority had performed well in terms of its investments, seeing returns of £61,000 achieved with an average interest rate of 0.46%. Whilst, this was slightly lower than the benchmark rate of 0.54% it reflected the fact that the Authority could not invest in counterparties that paid higher rates due to credit rating reductions. This was, however, in line with the Authority’s risk averse policy whereby the security of the capital sum was the number one priority at the expense of more competitive returns.
The Chief Officer continued by advising that an average interest rate of 1.09% had been paid on temporary borrowings, against a benchmark of 1.00% minimising as far as possible the interest payable by the Authority. This was despite the impact (increase) in market rates following the 1.00% increase to PWLB rates in October 2019 and had an impact on market rates. This could, therefore, be evidenced of good performance.
All of the treasury limits and treasury management prudential indicators set for the financial year had been complied with during the year and no institutions in which investments were made during the period had any difficulty in repaying investments and interest in full, so the Authority had, therefore, not been exposed to any financial loss as a result of the difficult economic climate.
The Chief Officer concluded by advising that Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee had considered the report on 11th September, 2020 and had endorsed Option 1.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely that the treasury management activity undertaken during the 2019/20 financial year be noted and the record of performance and compliance achieved during the 2019/20 financial year be accepted.
Commercial Strategy To consider the report of the Chief Officer Commercial. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Chief Officer Commercial was submitted for consideration.
The Chief Officer Commercial presented the Commercial Strategy for 2020 – 2025 which had received both Scrutiny and Executive approval in February and March but unfortunately, Council consideration of the strategy had been delayed due to the impact Covid-19 pandemic.
It was noted that many of the intentions and ambitions within the strategy had remained a focus as the Council looked to become a more commercially minded organisation and this fitted with the ambition to be an ‘ambitious and innovative Council delivering quality services that matters to our communities’. There were a number of critical themes contained within the document and these were highlighted at paragraph 2.2 of the report.
In addition, there were a number of related strategies and programmes that would contribute to the delivery of the Commercial Strategy, all of which had been impacted by the events of Covid-19 and these included:
- A Communications Strategy 2020 – 2025 - A Digital and Customer Transformation Programme - The Workforce Strategy
Members were advised that there were five specific commercial ambitions which were detailed at paragraph 2.4 of the report. These ambitions would be governed through a newly created Strategic Commissioning and Commercial Board, which was in the process of being established. This would replace the Strategic Procurement Board and the Procurement and Commissioning Cycle would be strengthened to support the new Board which would also have a role reviewing the delivery of Service Level Agreements to schools, monitoring commercial viability of traded services and in governing investment options using an investment framework.
Each of the five commercial ambitions had a set of actions that made up a programme of work which would be scrutinised over the next five years. The following amendment was, thereupon, made to paragraph 2.6 of the report namely, that reporting on the delivery of the work programme would be undertaken on a quarterly basis via Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee (not annually as reported) and would be considered by Council on an annual basis.
RESOLVED accordingly.
The Chief Officer Commercial concluded by outlining the options contained with the report.
The Leader of the Labour Group requested that Members be provided with a full list of consultants that had been commissioned over the last 2 years together with the expenditure incurred for each commission.
It was unanimously,
FUTHER RESOLVED, subject to the foregoing, that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely that the Commercial Strategy and associated work programme be agreed.
Corporate Communications Strategy To consider the report of the Chief Officer Commercial. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Chief Officer Commercial.
The Chief Officer Commercial advised that this strategy had been considered by both Scrutiny and Executive during the spring but had been delayed being considered by Council due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A number of the aspirations were contained within the strategy which had been escalated over the last 6 months. The importance and the power of the social media at such a difficult time in being able to release key messages at speed to residents and being able to respond to requests for information during a time of emergency had been recognised. It was noted that digital and social media were very powerful tools and provided a two-way communication process for the Council and its residents.
The overall objective of the strategy as detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the report was to deliver excellent, innovative and cost effective two-way communications, building a positive reputation and increasing trust and confidence that the Council was delivering services that met residents, businesses and visitor’s needs.
Much of the information gathered to provide the content of communications had been gathered from regular attendance at Directorate Management Team meetings and the Communications Team was working closely with each director to identify early engagement with services on managing communication campaigns and opportunities.
There were six ambitions or themes which would drive the communications delivery led by the Corporate Communications Team and these were outlined in paragraph 2.6 of the report. Each of these ambitions had a set of actions that made up a programme of work which would be scrutinised over the next five years. The following correction was made to paragraph 2.7 of the report namely that, reporting on the delivery of the work programme would be undertaken on a quarterly basis via Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee (not annually as reported) and would be reported into Council on an annual basis.
RESOLVED accordingly.
The Chief Officer Commercial concluded by outlining the options for recommendation contained in paragraph 3 of the report.
Use of Digital Communication Channels – a Member expressed his concern that the Council’s reputation in terms of communications with the public was ‘shot’ at this time. Residents who tried to telephone into the contact centre had an average wait time of between 45 minutes to an hour and the self-service ‘app’ did not always work effectively at all times.
Support for Elected Members and Staff - the Leader of the Labour Group commended the strategy and said that he had seen an improvement in communications in the last few years. The plan as outlined in paragraph 2.5 also aimed to support Members and staff but pointed out that there was an onus on Members, particularly lead Members to speak up for the Council. He relayed a conversation that had taken place with a journalist from BBC Radio Wales asking for him to comment on the impending local restrictions and had been advised by the journalist that leading Members had not ... view the full minutes text for item 23. |
Strategic Equality Plan 2020 to 2024 To consider the report of the Head of Governance and Partnerships. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Head of Governance and Partnerships was submitted for consideration.
The Head of Governance and Partnerships commenced by advising that the Council had a statutory obligation to publish a Strategic Equality Plan. In addition to the specific duties which were set by the Equality Act (Statutory Duties) (Wales) (Regulations), Welsh Government was looking to commence a new Public Sector Equality Duty named the ‘socio-economic duty’ from September 2020 which needed to be incorporated into the Plan and monitored moving forward.
The Equality Objectives were detailed within paragraph 2.7 of the report and the plan and supporting documents were contained within Appendix 1.
A number of engagement methods had been used to gain views on the draft plan and 96 responses had been received as part of the formal consultation exercise which ran from December 2019 to January 2020. During both engagement phases the Children’s Grand Council, Youth Forum, 50+ Forum, and Blaenau Gwent People First Group were engaged and shoppers were surveyed across each of the town centres. Effective elected Member involvement had taken place via the Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee Working Group, which had met in September and November 2019 as part of the project plan.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and Option 1 be endorsed, namely the Strategic Equality Plan 2020 – 2024 be approved, in line with the expectations of the specific duties of the Equality Act 2010 |
Replacement Local Development Plan - Revised Delivery Agreement To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Community Services. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Community Services.
At the invitation of the Chair, the Team Manager – Building Control and Development Plans spoke in detail to the report, the purpose of which was to seek approval for a Revised Delivery Agreement for preparing the replacement Local Development Plan together with a Covid-19 Assessment.
Section 2 of the report set out the reason why there had been a need to revise the Delivery Agreement and undertake a Covid-19 Assessment. It was noted that although the preparation of the Plan had been running 3 months behind schedule (this was within the 3-month slippage allowed for by the Delivery Agreement) good progress was being made. The Development Plans Team was preparing to go out for consultation on the 2nd Call for Candidate Sites and further information on existing sites, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit.
During early March, the Council had received correspondence from Welsh Government advising against proceeding with the plan as this was likely to be in conflict with legal requirements set out in Delivery Agreement Communities Involvement Scheme and therefore, the 2nd Call for Candidate Sites did not proceed and the plan was put on hold. A further letter was received from the Minister for Housing and Local Government in July advising to proceed but to proceed the Council needed to submit an amended Delivery Agreement to address Covid-19, social distancing and the delay together with a Covid-19 assessment.
The scope of the report was outlined in paragraph 2.12 and it was noted that the two documents requiring Council approval would also need to be submitted to Welsh Government for their approval prior to the work on the plan progressing.
It was noted that the Delivery Agreement timetable as a result of lockdown would be delayed by 7 months, with a further 2 weeks added for the consultation period for the deposit plan which would mean the plan would now be adopted in Autumn 2022 rather than March 2022 – the drop dead date for the current plan would be the end 2021, therefore, the Council would be without an LDP for a period of 10 months.
Methods to overcome social distancing issues were detailed within paragraph 2.15 of the report and such measures included longer consultation periods and pre-arranged appointments.
The Covid-19 Assessment document details were highlighted within paragraphs 2.16 – 2.20 and the document provided an overview of the assessment of the evidence base and concluded that generally the evidence base was either as good as it could be due to the lack of new trend data or that it could be updated and would be used to inform the Deposit Plan. The strategy and objective of the plan was in line with Welsh Government aspirations outlined within the Building Better Places document.
It was noted that the strategic policies were found to be sufficiently flexible to deal with what were unknown times and providing a monitoring framework was ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |
Decarbonisation Plan 2020-2030 To consider the report of the Managing Director. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered the report of the Managing Director.
The Managing Director spoke in detail to the report and highlighted the salient points contained therein. She explained that the first section of the report acknowledged that climate change was a global issue of significant importance and the plan set out a clear ambition and clear direction for Blaenau Gwent on how it could reduce climate change and become a carbon neutral Council by 2030. The plan also intended to support the delivery of the Welsh Government’s vision of a low carbon Wales and called for public sector leadership and for the whole of public sector in Wales to become carbon neutral by 2030.
Members were advised that the Council was already working on initiatives and making investments to help reduce its carbon footprint and these were detailed in paragraph 2.4 of the report. Therefore, the Council was not starting from a position of ‘no activity’ and whilst good work had been done there was a considerable amount of work to do going forward. Good examples of what had been achieved so far included investment in 21st Century Schools providing more modern and efficient school infrastructure/buildings; moving towards a full low energy street lighting estate; waste management – reducing the amount of waste that went to landfill and the Refit programme – working with Welsh Government refitting buildings to make them more energy efficient. Details of the current carbon emission levels were provided within the appendix to the report.
The Managing Director continued by pointing out that paragraph 2.7 set out a number of the Council’s operations where action could make a significant contribution towards the ambition of carbon neutrality and transitioning to and delivering a more efficient carbon neutral Council. Further work would be required to be undertaken and include areas such as transport and travel (including travel to work); procurement of goods and services; the purchase and use energy and heating of buildings and further work around waste and increasing recycling rates. In addition, important work and mapping activity was currently being undertaken which would look at how land assets/holdings could be used to offset any carbon emissions – this was known as ‘sequestration’.
The Managing Director emphasised that the Decarbonisation Plan should not be seen as another new initiative or plan, it was an ambition about how the Council wanted to operate and it would underpin all service delivery and how services would be designed, developed and improved in the future. Members and officers would have to be mindful of the impact of future decision making and the effect this would have on the authority becoming carbon neutral.
Section 6 of the report highlighted the work and data evidence that backed up the plan including the elements of the carbon footprint. It was estimated on annual basis, the Council currently generated 71,330 tonnes of CO2 as an organisation delivering its day to day operations and activity.
The report provided examples of this activity, with a large part of ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |
Standards Committee To receive the minutes of the Standards Committee held on 14th July, 2020. Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the meeting held on 14th July, 2020.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report be accepted and the information contained therein be noted.
To consider the attached report. Minutes: Consideration was given to:
Aneurin Bevan Community Health Council - to appoint a replacement representative.
The Leader requested that expressions of interest be submitted if any Member was interested in taking up this vacant position.
Advisory Panel for Local Authority School Governors
The following recommendations were made by the Panel on 3rd August, 2020 to appoint:
Sofrydd Primary – Sian Barrett Pen-y-Cwm – Hannah Williams Deighton – Jaqueline Thomas Glyncoed – Councillor Clive Meredith
It was further noted that the Panel had also recommended at this meeting the following appointments which had not be included within the Memberships Report:
Ystruth – Councillors G. Collier & L. Winnett
The following recommendations were made by the Panel on 14th September, 2020 to appoint:
Brynbach Primary – Gemma Badham St. Illtyd’s Primary – Lucy Allsopp
Upon a vote being taken it was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the above appointments be endorsed.
RESOLVED to note:
The appointment of Councillor J. C. Morgan as Chair of the above Committee.
Councillor M. Cross to remain a Member of the Democratic Services Committee.
In reply to a question, the Head of Governance and Partnerships advised that she would shortly be meeting with the new Chair and anticipated that a Democratic Services Committee would convened in due course.
Councillor Cross outlined his reason for standing down as Chair of Democratic Services and expressed his appreciation to his both former Vice-Chairs Councillors Julie Holt and Jonathan Millard for the support they had provided to him in the past. He added that he was sure that Councillor Morgan would make a success of the role.
Councillor Morgan expressed his appreciation to Councillor Cross for all the work he had done in his role as Chair of the Committee and said that he would be a hard act to follow.
Exempt Items(s) To receive and consider the following report(s) which in the opinion of the proper officer is/are an exempt item(s) taking into account consideration of the public interest test and that the press and public should be excluded from the meeting (the reason for the decision for the exemption is available on a schedule maintained by the proper officer).
Minutes: To receive and consider the following reports which in the opinion of the proper officer were exempt items taking into account consideration of the public interest test and that the press and public should be excluded from the meeting (the reasons for the decisions for the exemptions were available on a schedule maintained by the proper officer).
Festival Park Update To consider the report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration & Community Services.
Minutes: Having regard to the views expressed by the Proper Officer regarding the public interest test, that on balance, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information and that the report should be exempt.
RESOLVED that the public be excluded whilst this item of business is transacted as it is likely there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 14, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972 (as amended).
The report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Community Services was submitted for consideration. It was noted that this item was for information purposes only.
At the invitation of the Chair, the Corporate Director spoke to the report, the purpose of which was to update Members with the progress made to date in respect of the Festival Park proposal. It was noted that a Festival Park Working Group had been established which had met on a number of occasions to consider the interrelated elements of this complex project. The Working Group had also engaged with relevant stakeholders as part of the project.
The Corporate Director advised that the work outlined in paragraph 2.5 of the report had now largely been completed and concluded by outlining the three options that would be detailed within the final business plan. This plan would also detail the benefits and dis-benefits of each option.
The views of Members were sought and were summarised below together with the responses provided by the Corporate Director:
- Concern was expressed that the discussions should have taken place at Council before an offer had been made to the agent. In addition, Members sought clarity on the value of the offer made and asked how the Council proposed to fund the offer if it was accepted.
The Corporate Director advised that he had been acting under authorised delegated powers to progress the negotiation but the agent was fully aware that any offers made would be subject to Council and Welsh Government approval. He advised Members of the value of the offer and said that discussions were currently taking place with Welsh Government in relation to the funding methods at present.
The Leader of the Labour Group requested that the cost together with impact on wider priorities in the Regeneration Directorate be included within the business case. He requested an assurance that if the business case was accepted, that this would not be funded from the departmental budget and that other activities would not suffer as a consequence.
The Corporate Director advised that the business case would focus on the three options referred to earlier and would not relate to any other Council services and activities. He advised that the business case may demonstrate long term financial benefits but until the final business case was received he would be unable to comment further.
Another Member said he was concerned that the Council was not in a position to proceed because if the offer was accepted the Council would be relying ... view the full minutes text for item 30. |
Shortlisting - JNC Officers To receive the report of the meeting held on 28th July, 2020. Minutes: Having regard to the views expressed by the Proper Officer regarding the public interest test, that on balance, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information and that the report should be exempt.
RESOLVED that the public be excluded whilst this item of business is transacted as it is likely there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 12 & 13, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972 (as amended).
Consideration was given to the report of the meeting held on 28th July, 2020.
It was unanimously,
RESOLVED that the report which related to staffing matters be accepted and the decision contained therein be noted.