Issue - meetings

Local Government Act 2021 Changes

Meeting: 27/04/2021 - Audit Committee (Item 8)

8 Local Government Act 2021 Changes pdf icon PDF 394 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Legal and Compliance.


Consideration was given to the report of the Head of Legal Compliance/Monitoring Officer.


The Data Protection & Governance Officer presented the report which informed the Committee of changes brought in as part of the Local Government & Elections (Wales) Act that come into force on 1st April, 2021.


As part of the legislation there would be some changes impacting on the Committee.  Firstly, the name of the Committee would change, and would now be called the Governance & Audit Committee.  There would also be additional functions for the Committee as the scope would widen to include statutory powers to review and assess the Authority’s ability to handle complaints effectively, and make reports and recommendations in relation to the Authority’s ability to handle complaints effectively.  While the Act would be brought in on a phased approach, the changes referred to would be brought in immediately.


Future changes for the Committee by May 2022 were highlighted at Section 2.7 of the report, the majority of which the Council were already adhering to.  However, the Officer pointed out that the Council were not currently compliant with a third of all Members being lay Members so moving forward the Council would need to bring in a recruitment programme to ensure compliance by May 2022.  Further reports would be submitted to Committee in relation to this.


A brief discussion ensued when the Officer confirmed that both new Members on the Committee this year had received an induction programme, and this would be in place for any future new Members moving forward.  The Committee’s terms of reference would also need further consideration to take into account the changes.  In relation to the requirement for a third of the Committee membership to be lay Members, the Officer said no decisions had been taken but discussions would need to commence shortly to ensure compliance May 2022.


RESOLVED that the report be accepted and the information on the mandatory changes brought about from a change in the legislation be noted.