Agenda item

Education Directorate-Response to COVID-19

To consider the report of the Corporate Director Education.


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director of Education which was presented to provide Members with an opportunity to review the Education Directorate’s response to the COVID-19 situation, particularly supporting the schools during the emergency response period.


The Corporate Director of Education presented the report and gave an overview of the current position with regard to the Education Directorate’s response to Covid-19.


A Member enquired if there were any proposals to reduce the school summer holiday period to catch up on pupil learning as this was being considered in England.  He also raised concerns regarding the increased charges for Leisure services and the affect this would have on some children’s health and well-being.  The Corporate Director of Education responded that there were no proposals to change the duration of the school summer holiday period.  With regard to the proposed increase in charges for Leisure services, in particular swim prices, he confirmed that following negotiation with the Aneurin Leisure Trust the proposed increase in swim charges had been reduced and would be implemented from 1st April, 2022.


A Member referred to page 78 of the report and commented that EAS Challenge Advisors had now been replaced with School Improvement Partners.  He felt that the report needed information in relation to youngsters with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties, and in relation to academic progress enquired if level 1 qualifications had been withdrawn from the River Centre.  The Corporate Director of Education responded that he would ensure that future reports would be updated with regard to the title of School Improvement Partners.  With regard to youngsters with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties he confirmed that learners at the River Centre in year 11 would have the opportunity to access appropriate qualifications from level 1 up to GCSE’s and would also be offered other alternative curriculum qualifications.


A Member referred to the recent temporary closure of the River Centre for health & safety reasons.  The Corporate Director of Education confirmed the River Centre had been partially closed to years 9, 10 & 11 for a short period of time and explained that a major incident had occurred and support from both Gwent Police and the South Wales Fire Service had been requested.  As a result, a safer schools package of support had been put in place which included a number of key partners and corporate support services to ensure that arrangements within the setting facilitated improved practices in the future.


The Member had been unaware of this issue and enquired regarding the process to keep Members informed of such incidents.  The Service Manager Education Transformation & Business Change explained that all Local Authority support services were notified when there was a school closure, and a communication was distributed to Ward Members on behalf of the school and the Education Directorate notifying them of the latest position.  The Service Manager confirmed that a communication was issued but would ensure that the Corporate Communications team were aware of any issues regarding Member distribution.


A Member commented that a comprehensive report on the River Centre and schools causing concern should be presented to a future meeting of this Committee.  The Director of Education agreed that as part of the Improving Schools report, a comprehensive update in relation to the River Centre could be provided.


In response to a Member’s question regarding ‘build back better’, the Director of Education said that an example of this work related to ICT developments around connectivity work with the schools and also the devices that had been issued to vulnerable learners.  He gave an example of ‘build back better’, in adverse weather conditions learners would still be able to continue to receive meaningful education.


The Committee AGREED to recommend that the report be accepted and endorse Option 1; namely that the report be accepted as presented.

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