Agenda item

Education Services - Main Self–Evaluation Report (SER)

To consider the report of the Corporate Director Education.


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director Education.


The Corporate Director Education outlined the report, which provided Members of the Scrutiny Committee with an opportunity to scrutinise the findings of ongoing self-evaluation processes undertaken within the Education Directorate, across the Council and with key partners.


The Corporate Director spoke to the report and detailed the comprehensive self-evaluation process, which helped to identify those areas where progress has been made and where further improvement was required. It was noted that the detailed findings were contained in the Main SER, which was attached as at appendix 2 and the Corporate Director referred the Members of the Scrutiny Committee to the three inspection areas of the LGES inspection framework. The Corporate further provided an overview of the areas where good progress had been made and areas where further improvement was required as outlined in the report.


In conclusion, the Corporate Director acknowledged that the Main SER document was a very lengthy working document, which covered all of the LGES framework. The document provided the context and data to evidence progress and inform self-evaluative commentary. However, it was intended to update the Summary SER document for future self-evaluation reports and this will enable Members to focus specifically on key priorities. Therefore, the Corporate Director suggested that Members consider the following areas as lines of enquiry for the scrutiny process, in line with the corporate impact assessment as detailed in Appendix 4.


        Recovery and renewal linked to academic progress;

        support for vulnerable learners;

        ALN reform/Curriculum reform;

        learner wellbeing; and,

        collaborative working to support learners, particularly with



The Corporate Director Education invited questions from Members of the Scrutiny Committee at this juncture.


A Member noted that although the gender gap was mentioned in the report there was no area for improvement and it was asked if this was area to be considered.


The Corporate Director Education advised that the topics covered in the report was not an exhaustive list and summarised in the report, although, gender information could be found in the main Self Evaluation Report.


A Member referred to the accuracy of targets and outcomes outlined in the report as precise data was not being provided. The Member felt that it was important to monitor this information to ensure pupils had not slipped due to the pandemic and target settings was accurate.


The Corporate Director Education informed that in line with the School Development Plans across the schools, the targets set are ambitious, realistic and deliverable. The Corporate Director advised that work was being undertaken in conjunction with the EAS for schools had been identified as needing additional support in a graduated fashion. This work was a key strand of activity in the Recovery and Renewal Plan to ensure the base line data was recalibrated so data focused on attention going forward.


Councillor M. Day left the meeting at this juncture.


Concerns were raised in relation to predicted grades as the pandemic had greatly affected our schools and it was hoped that our vulnerable learners had the appropriate support. It was important that although this data was not available at the present time it be made available to the Scrutiny Committee in order for Members to monitor the situation.


The Corporate Director Education suggested a report could be presented which detailed the evidence on how the appropriate judgement was arrived. In terms of the effects of the pandemic, secondary schools managed KS4 centre determined grades processes well. The Corporate Director added that there had not been many appeals against the grades awarded, therefore, it was felt that there was a balanced understanding of our learners.


In response to concerns raised in relation to the number of young people attending further education outside Blaenau Gwent as the academic courses was not available. The Corporate Director Education confirmed that it was intended to organise a member briefing with Coleg Gwent to provide the latest position and the Corporate Director agreed to raise this matter with Coleg Gwent at the next Post 16 Strategic Partnership Board.


A Member also asked for information on admissions in secondary schools outside of Blaenau Gwent and the Corporate Director agreed to provide the inward and outward migration data from secondary schools.


The Committee AGREED that the report be accepted and acknowledged that effective self-evaluation is an on-going process (Option 1).


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