Agenda item

Capital Budget Monitoring, Forecast for 2019/20 Financial Year

To consider the report of the Chief Officer Resources.


Consideration was given to report of the Chief Officer Resources.


The Chief Officer Resources presented the report which provided a forecast financial position to the end of March, 2020 across all Portfolio, and also provide details of any significant adverse and/or favourable variances.


The overall financial position as forecast at 31st December, 2019 indicated a nil variance against a total in year capital budget of £23.7m, and it was anticipated that all in year capital expenditure would be fully funded.


The following points were then raised by Members:-


Active Living Services – Splash Pad


A Member said when this was previously reported to Committee the funding was estimated at £144k.  He asked why this figure had now reduced to £110k and also requested an update on progress of the splash pad.


In response the Chief Officer Resources said she understood that the figure of £144,699k in the previous report was an error.  No additional monies had been allocated to the project other than the £110k funded by Welsh Government.


A discussion ensued when the Corporate Director Social Services explained that a request for additional money was made to Welsh Government, and they granted £20k, however, this additional funding was subject to a deadline for spending the monies.  This was not possible as a definite site had not been agreed so the extra funding did not come to fruition.  In relation to the Festival Park site, he was aware that discussions were currently taking place regarding a possible change in ownership of the site, and a report would be submitted when more information was available.


A Member said Parc Bryn Bach would have been a more suitable site for the project and felt that this had not been adequately pursued.


Another Member felt it was time to consider other options, rather than ‘sitting’ on the money, and the Corporate Director confirmed that another option was being considered in the event that the Festival Park site does not materialise.


A discussion ensued when a Member asked whether it was intended to revisit the option for the project at Parc Bryn Bach.


The Corporate Director explained that one of the problems initially was the lack of ground required for the project.  Also the Leisure Trust did not see it as a financially viable project for them in terms of the extensive equipment required and the ongoing maintenance cost of the facility. 


CCTV Update


A Member asked whether the Police were able to access the Council’s CCTV system.


The Chief Officer Resources said they did not have access and when they require footage we download it and provide it to them.  However, access for the Police was being considered but it was a complex in terms of technology.


A Member requested that an update on CCTV be provided for a future meeting.



The Chair agreed that a report would be scheduled into the Corporate Overview Scrutiny Committee’s Forward Work Programme.


Electric Vehicle Charge Points


In response to question raised by a Member regarding the electric vehicle charging points, the Head of Community Services explained that funding was allocated on a Gwent wide basis, and Consultants were appointed to identify the most suitable locations.  He understood that the sites had already been determined.


A discussion ensued when the Officer confirmed that the electric charging point in the multi storey car park had been vandalised.  He said vandalism of charging points would be a challenge for the Council moving forward and the costs needed for repairs.


LTF Metro Plus


A discussion ensued when a Member expressed concern that Members had not been provided with an update on progress of the LTF Metro Plus, and that the Corporate Director Regeneration & Community Services should have been in attendance to answer questions.


The Chief Officer Resources said she was unable to provide details on the scheme.  She said Appendix 2 identified which schemes had been allocated additional grant funding.


The Chair requested that an update on the LTF Metro Plus be included as an action.


The Head of Community Services said he understood that the additional money was allocated through City Deal for further consultancy investigation and feasibility study.


Abertillery LC Demolition


In response to a question raised the Head of Community Services explained that legal advice was being sought on the value of the claim prior to submission.  A report was intended in due course.




A Member said a maintenance programme of the Borough’s cemeteries had been agreed, and asked why no money had been spent to date.


The Head of Community Services explained that prior to the Christmas period Members went through the capital budget and allocated funding for works to cemeteries for the next 2 or 3 years.  Funding of £70k was allocated for year 1, commencing 1st April, 2020, and a list of works was currently being drawn up in line with that funding profile.


The Committee AGEED to recommend that the report be accepted and Members:


     i.        Continue to support appropriate financial control procedures agreed by Council;

    ii.        Note the budgetary control and monitoring procedures in place within the Capital Team to safeguard Authority funding


Supporting documents: